This site is owned and operated by Shalla Santos Sluyter and offers the most comprehensive collection of points of order that have been called in the Texas Legislature. Currently, the compilation contains written explanations of rulings on points of order that have been included in the house journal since the 72nd session, including points of order that the chair has ruled on in the 88th session. I will continue to add points of order from past sessions until every point of order decided in the Texas Legislature is available here.
Consistent with the Precedents of the Texas House of Representatives Volume II book, explanations on house rulings made before the 83rd session reflect the text of the house journal, while explanations on rulings made from the 83rd session through the 85th first called session reflect the text of the final draft submitted by the parliamentarian, with the approval of the chair, pursuant to House Rule 14, Section 8.
On the signup page, you can also find occasional information that is intended to benefit members, staff, and others interested in the legislative process. Feedback, questions, or requests are welcome at